How to ensure that Benefits of Warranty Technology are felt across the Value Chain?

Is the profit you earned for every vehicle rapidly diminishing? Are you continuously worried about warranty costs increasing? Are you stuck with lack of information about parts failures and engineering quality?


These are just a few problems an automotive manufacturer faces. They arise from inefficient and opaque warranty management throughout the enterprise.

The impact of cost on business is huge. From the early 2000s, annual warranty expenses in the US automotive industry has shot up from about $10 billion to above $14 billion, but annual sales remain stagnant. While the average profit made from a vehicle is $200, the average warranty cost for the same vehicle is $800. (Source:

Currently, warranty in the automotive industry involves legacy systems and technologies. The automation process does not collaborate with the value chain entirely. It cannot use the rich information that claims contain. Moreover, field data needs serious refurbishing.

A common platform for warranty processes and operations can work towards:
  • Fixing the missing links in manufacturing and customer service
  • Maintaining a communication link between all partners in such a way that the entire value chain can solve problems collaboratively
  • Using technology to effectively leverage field data for deeper understanding of the manufacturing process, quality, and mechanics
  • Outsourcing some activities and maintaining the sync with other activities being handled by the company itself
  • Developing more competitive, technological abilities and better know how of processes. Quality departments need to identify root causes and arriving at solutions through this process will ensure better outcomes.


If a warranty management system covers processes in an integrated way, it will be of use to everyone in the value chain. The objective is to use all possible kinds of information from field and claims-related data.

Common point of connect

While working in a firm, each of the individual departments should have a common point of contact, where all data gets recorded. The contact point has to be linked in such a way that not only all the departments within the company, but, its partners too can access it at any point of requirement.

All the approach to warranty claims should be able to use technology and acquire maximum benefits from it. Once you understand the technology well and derive new elements and processes, they can be used in the company to build better systems. These elements can be designed specifically for building certain precise organizational facilities.

A holistic solution to warranty management can only be achieved if there is a complete balance between analytics, automation, and how manual claims are processed. The means of achieving it is through amalgamation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Early Warning System (EWS), and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO); all of them based on advanced analytics. A complete model can bring the business tangible benefits like reduction of up to 10% in warranty expenses, 30% in total processing cost, 35% in total costs of IT ownership, and huge cost savings with quality insights for EWS.

Author Author:

Preethi vagadia is a business architect worked in Mortgage and warranty management department with top notch companies and has over 8 years of experience in Warranty Administration management, Warranty Claim Management services, warranty software solutions etc.  She has also worked in several process improvement projects involving multi-national teams for global customers in warranty management and mortgage.

Tags: Why sustainability is important for business, how do sustainability practices benefit businesses, Warranty Administration management, Benefits of Warranty Technology, Warranty Technology, Blogger tips, Online Tips, SEO Updates

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