Cloud computing is changing the rules of business and in the last few years this has surely become the biggest concept in the business world. Small businesses are fast realizing the benefits of adopting cloud computing in reshaping their productivity and operational efficiency. Cloud computing for small business in the UK has gained immense popularity in the last few years and it is expected that around 80% of small businesses would migrate to the cloud by 2020 as against the current figures which stand just above the 30% mark. Here in this brief write-up we take a look at the benefits of migrating to cloud for small businesses.

steps to Get Your Business on the Cloud

Improves Operational Flexibility

How often have you reached home and curse yourself for not carrying an important document or presentation in a flash drive? With cloud computing you will be able to access all data and information on any device from anywhere in the world and this can go a long way in improving your operational flexibility. In the modern world going to the office has become irrelevant as employees are working from remote locations with flexible working arrangements. ‘Work from home’ has also emerged as one of the ways to keep employees happy and improve their efficiency. Also BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) concept is becoming popular and in all this Cloud Computing is the perfect solution in this fast evolving environment.

Lowers Costs

Mention the world ‘lower costs’, and the eyes of a small business owner would light up! Lower costs allow small businesses to be more competitive and this is where Cloud Computing has come as a big opportunity for small businesses to embrace the latest technology without hurting their bottomline. With cloud computing you won’t have to incur huge expanses in creating a physical infrastructure of IT hardware. This also reduces the space and human resource required to maintain such equipment. Also there is no need to regularly upgrade your infrastructure to meet the changing needs of the market. You would use cloud as a service and pay only for what you use.

Better Collaboration

Today in highly globalized business environment ‘collaboration’ within the organization and that with partners and vendors is vital to improving your operational efficiency. Gone are the days when you would attach documents on an email and send it to one of your colleagues to download and share his/her views on that. Cloud Computing allows easy sharing and access to various file and data. With modern tools you would be able to create, edit and manage all your data and files seamlessly.

Whether you have a multi-location operation or one where your employees need simultaneously work using the same files and data, cloud makes it possible.


you are aware of the importance of data security and when you have the data stored in your own premises you need to regularly upgrade your security mechanism to keep them in sync with the evolving threats. Though this process is expensive yet it remains vulnerable. When you migrate to the cloud you won’t need to worry about the security of your files and customer data. Cloud service providers employ the latest security protocols that prevent unauthorized access and reduce the threat of hacking. They store this data in multiple locations allowing them to quickly recover it on case of any attacks or physical damage to their infrastructure.

Cloud Computing decimates the traditional barriers that restricted small businesses to a small territory. It integrates your front and back-office operations to create new opportunities to explore. If you haven’t yet migrated to the cloud it is the right time to do so.

About Author: Sophia Smith has worked on many project related to cloud computing for small business in the UK. As a veteran in the IT industry he regularly writes on the various changes that are taking place in the industry.

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